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Soundproofing vs Sound Absorption

Soundproofing Vs. Sound Absorption

Sound is both an art and a science. You can get hung up on all the terms and calculations but you can also understand it more simply. One major aspect of sound is that it is like water. It can mold, meld and take the form of its surroundings. Sound, much like water, can be absorbed by some materials and contained by others. This is why we offer both and make the distinction between soundproofing materials and sound absorbing materials.

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Differences between STC and NRC

Differences Between STC and NRC Ratings

When we are approached to solve noise problems, part of our job is to educate our customers about acoustics. One of the first things we talk about are the differences between STC and NRC ratings and what each of them mean within a particular application.  

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Rest assured that we have not only a solution, but the right solution, to resolve your acoustical or noise concerns. Request a quote with the button below or contact us for more information about our soundproofing services at 413-248-8118.

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