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CNC Machine Noise Enclosure

CNC Machine Noise Enclosure – The Key to a Safer and Quieter Workplace

Many contemporary companies and workshops rely heavily on CNC equipment because they can perform precise cutting and shaping. They can, however, produce a lot of noise, which makes them a possible source of pain and hearing loss for workers. A CNC machine noise enclosure may be a helpful remedy in this situation.

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Duc-Pac Air Hammer Noise

Air Hammer Noise Reduced with Acoustic Curtain Enclosure

Machine noise is one of the most common noise sources in an industrial or manufacturing setting. Too much of it over a period of time can even be harmful to employees. Today, many companies are taking precautionary efforts to reduce the amount noise workers are experiencing in their day to day.

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To Get More Information

Rest assured that we have not only a solution, but the right solution, to resolve your acoustical or noise concerns. Request a quote with the button below or contact us for more information about our soundproofing services at 413-248-8118.

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