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What is an Acoustic Consultant?

What is an Acoustic Consultant? Do You Need One?

An Acoustic Consultant, sometimes referred to as an Acoustic Engineer is a sound expert. They specialize in solving problems related to noise and vibrations. In many cases Acoustic Consultants hold a Master’s degree in a related engineering field like audio, mechanical, or electrical. They provide technical and creative approaches to achieve quality results. Research shows […]

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Safe & Sound Week 2022

Safe & Sound Week 2022 – Acoustics in the Workplace

In recognition of Safe & Sound Week, which takes place August 15-21 each year, we are going to discuss the importance of proper acoustics and noise protection in the workplace.

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Acoustic Rigid Baffles

Acoustic Rigid Baffles Improve Church Hall

or years, trustees of the Sudbury Memorial Congressional Church searched for an acoustic solution to an echo filled hall. They had a vision for the space to sound great and be lively for events and musical performances. They didn’t know where to turn, until they found DDS Acoustical Specialties who proposed the idea of Acoustic Rigid Baffles.

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To Get More Information

Rest assured that we have not only a solution, but the right solution, to resolve your acoustical or noise concerns. Request a quote with the button below or contact us for more information about our soundproofing services at 413-248-8118.

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